Japan Studies Seminar Series

Global Japan: History, Politics & Society – SAA Seminar Series

25 maggio 2021 ore 9.30

Prof. Marco Taddei (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)


Prof. Andrea Pancini (Università degli Studi di Pavia)


“Descriptions of early 20th century China in three Japanese travelogues: Natsume Sōseki’s Travels in Manchuria and Korea (1909), Akutagawa Ryūnosuke’s Travels in China (1921) and Yosano Akiko’s Travels in Manchuria and Mongolia (1928)”

Locandina del seminario con il prof. Taddei

December 3 2020, h.11-13


Axel BerkofskyArianna Arisi Rota, Pierluigi Valsecchi and Antonio M. Morone, Pavia University
Yuji Amamiya, Consul General of Japan in Milan
Masuo Nishibashi, Director, Istituto di Cultura Giapponese Roma/Japan Foundation in Italia


“Europe and Japan in an era of the Indo-Pacific and US-China competition”


Michito Tsuruoka, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Andrea Pancini, Pavia University


December 10, h. 11-13


“At the Margin of the (New) Silk Road: Japan’s Imageries, Identities and Party Activism along the Eurasian connections”


Marco Zappa, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Axel Berkofsky, Pavia University


Seminars will be hosted online at the following link: