PhD objectives

The Research Doctorate (IAPR) is aimed at training experts, who will be able to use political science, economics, law and managerial tools in order to:

  • analyze problems connected to the institutional design of government and propose innovative models of governance;
  • produce international comparative analysis focussing on regional polices and institutional assets in relevant sectors such as welfare, incentives to research, local development;
  • plan complex public polices in multi-level governance system and adapt private sector instruments and methods to public sector.

The most consistent conclusion of doctorate is the research activity at either universities or in other research facilities, or jobs in regional administrations, other public administrations, in public-owned companies, in private enterprises and in professional associations that operate in close contact with the regional administration.

Research projects

Due to the interdisciplinary approach, the research will focus on these issues:

  • organisational models and planning processes;
  • history of regional and local regulations;
  • state and government forms;
  • public economics and fiscal federalism;
  • political systems and public policies;
  • regional administration and foreign research institutions.