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Editorials – Func. Neur.

Funct Neur.



  • 2014 Oct-Dec;29(4):221The urgent need for a systems biology approach to neurology
  • 2014 Jan-Mar;29(1):5 – Magnetic stimulation of the cerebellum. Moving towards the clinic. – Giacomo Koch; Egidio D’Angelo.
  • 2013;28(3):143-144 –The XXIV Ottorino Rossi Award. SPECIAL ISSUE -Published to coincide with the joint HBP – OTTORINO ROSSI AWARD meeting, 17-18 October 2013 (Pavia, Italy).
  • 2012;27(2):77 – Toward the connectomic era. Egidio D’Angelo.
  • 2012;27(1):5 – New trends in Neuroscience: the challenge of Functional NeurologyEgidio D’Angelo.
  • 2010;25(3):125-127 –  Neural circuit function and dysfunction in the cerebellum: from neurons to integrated control. Egidio D’Angelo.
  • 2008; 23(4):169-170 – Non-invasive imaging of brain structure and function in neural connectivity analysis.  Stefano Bastianello, Francesca Romana PezzellaEgidio D’Angelo.
